Slice report¶
- {{apiRoute}}/reports/:reportId/slice/count
- {{apiRoute}}/reports/:reportId/slice
What it does: This endpoint is used to remove tweets from a report.
- reportId: the id of the report to slice
- startDate: The start date of the slice. Tweets before this date will be removed
- endDate: The end date of the slice. Tweets after this date will be removed
- binders: An array of binders to slice. Tweets belonging to this binders will be removed. Pass "nobinder" to remove tweets without a binder
- langs: An array of langs to slice, tweets belonging to this langs will be removed
Response: {{apiRoute}}/reports/:reportId/slice/count Will return a json with the count of tweets that will be removed
{{apiRoute}}/reports/:reportId/slice/ Will return a json with the count of tweets that has been removed