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Create report

Endpoint: {{apiRoute}}/reports/twitter/:type


  • type: the type of the report to create. It can be:
    • 7-day: the report will give you the number of posts (tweets) of any given query in the last 7 days.
    • historical: the report will give you the number of posts (tweets) of any given query without time limit.

What it does: This endpoint will give you the statistics of any given query.

Limit of posts: 50,000 per report.

Payload Example:

      "raw":"(Osasuna OR #Osasuna) -@RealMadrid lang:en",
      "limit": 100

Check Creating a report to learn more about how to build a query

After you run the query and the report status is generated you will get a "resourceId", to get the stats you will need to execute the action "Get report stats" (check "Report Actions"). If you run the action too early, when the report is not generated yet, you will get an error. To check the status of the report execute the action "Get report state" (check "Report Actions").